ii) Interview questions for piano technicians.

Since the 1860s all piano makers have maintained particular design principals that have established a familiar piano sound well known to listeners, technicians and musicians. Since 1990, Stuart &Sons Pianos have introduced new concepts of design and sound that differ greatly from the ‘traditional’ model.

What do you know about the Stuart&Sons design?

Do you have your own theory on why the Stuart piano sound is different?
What do you hear in the Stuart sound ? How do you identify it as a Stuart sound?

What do you hear in the Steinway sound ? How do you identify it as a Steinway sound. –
String Vibration
Do you think the string vibration contour is a major contributor to sound quality?

What do you know about the bridge agraffe of the Stuart piano?

Do you think the Stuart bridge agraffe maintains the vertical string vibration contour on the Stuart piano, and what information leads you to knowledge?

Please talk about soundboard design in general, and how soundboard density affects piano sound and projection?

What are the differences in soundboard design of Stuart and Steinway?

Which is your preference of soundboard design ,and why?

Please talk about string length regulation and tuning differences in the Stuart and Steinway pianos.

How is the Stuart frame different to the Steinway frame?

How do these differences contribute to the difference in sound?

Instrument Size
Please speak about the longer strings and larger pitch registers of the Stuart piano, whether these are important and necessary changes to the standard traditional 88 keys and 9ft length?

Any further comments?

Thank you for your participation,

Kevin Hunt.

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Photography Main Image: corrieancone, Kinetic Jazz Festival 2011