6a.6 Sydney Language – extra recourses.

Farm Cove: wuganmagulya woggan-ma-gule (c) J.Troy ( Lt. David Collins)
for : ‘Yilbara , guwugu, wara wara !’Jackelin Troy lists:
‘yilabara’ for now anon source – used by A. Phillip J. Hunter, D. Collins, P. Gidley 1790-1
‘guwugu’ for presently (W.Dawes wordlist )
‘wara wara’ for just now (W.Dawes wordlist + used by A. Phillip J. Hunter, D. Collins, P. Gidley 1790-1)
J. Steele also lists ‘wars wara’ for just now ————————————————
6a.7 A Resounding Silence
Graeme Skinner articulates the lack of musical content in early Australian histories as a ‘resounding silence’. Burney’s description of our selective musical leanings and the needs stated by Skinner552 of the homesick colonists for music they were familiar with, could be reasons for the lack musical reception and interaction with the first Australians and the slow recognition of a national music. He makes the observation that early national music of emigrant composers was distinguish by songs with depictions of ‘the home we live in, instead of the home we came from’553 Skinner’s use of the word ‘silence’ suggests the deeper more consequential cultural silence of Aboriginal cultural interaction in the early years of settlement. Skinner states the smallpox epidemic as an obvious reason for the lack of cultural interactions between the new arrivals and the first Australians. Introduced by the Europeans, smallpox killed an estimated two thousand of the Eora (people of this place) 554 causing many Aboriginal people to flee the region. After describing the scene on the harbour of Port Jackson before the smallpox epidemic in August 1788, – ‘67 canoes, containing 94 men, 34 women and nine children’, Captain John Hunter describes the scene ten months later,

It was a different picture in May 1789, at the height of the smallpox epidemic that swept through the Port Jackson clans. On the return of HMS Sirius with rations from the Cape of Good Hope, John Hunter was surprised ‘ at not having seen a single native on the shore, or a canoe as we came up in the ship, until I was informed that the small-pox had made its appearance. 555

552Skinner,G. (2011) Toward A General History Of Australian Musical Composition, Sydney Conservatorium of Music , University of Sydneyp.59
553Skinner,G. (2011) Toward A General History Of Australian Musical Composition, Sydney Conservatorium of Music , University of Sydney
554 ibid p.61
555     7 Smith, Mari Nawi ,14. source: 5 Hunter.

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