Piano technician Steve Pearson describes the sound of Feurich,Shigeru Kawai,Mason & Hamlin Pianos


…. rather like the piano version of a Porsche: fast, positive, and responsive. The tone is very large and rather “open” compared to the more “covered” sound of a Steinway or Blüthner. The dynamic range is huge, the tonal palette rich and varied, and the sustain long and strong in the melody section. 329

Shigeru Kawai

Compared to our Hamburg Steinway, our Shigeru has a darker tone, and its sound doesn’t carry as well all the way to the back of the hall. That said, both pianos are chosen about equally, with more soloists choosing the Steinway, while the Shigeru is chosen more for chamber music and accompaniment. 330

Mason & Hamlin

The tone is uniquely American—very warm, full, and rich— with a strong bass, and good sustain and singing quality in the treble. 331


‘beautiful singing, and thunderous piano sound ‘Paul Badura – Skoda J Zawinul a ‘fat’ sound, ‘like an orchestra’ Dianne Reeves,

Andre Oorebeek’s use of verbal attributes describe the qualities of tone produced by varied densities of the hammer felt cushion-

…. the right cushion does not sound too percussive or shrill.333

A hard hammer will make the sound too hard and shrill, with the emphasis on the higher partials sequence- the result is a thin , hard tone. A piano tone has a certain duration and also causes a short duration of tone. 334

A [good] piano sound tone sounds clear, but is not too loud and not too weak, a sound like a bell, distinct and resonant without a shrill or metallic effect .335

329Steve Pearson,Feurich Acoustic and Digitial Piano Buyer, (Spring 2010 Ed.):84. http://www.showcasepianos.com/pg84.htmlaccessed 26th May 2015
330 ibid
331 ibid
332 Robert Lowrey Piano ExpertsBosendorfer Pianos, YouTube video, 15:21 Feb, 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaSgLU1O4IU
333Andre Oorebeek ,The Voice of the Piano a piano technician’s definitive guide to voicing(Canada: Crescendo Publications, 2009), 71.
334     2Oorebeek ,12.
335     3Oorebeek, 11.

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